Regional Training / Workshops / Seminars

In view of the pressing needs of AARDO member countries and feedback from them, three (3) regional training/workshops would be organized in AARDO member countries during the triennium 2021-2023 and extended year 2024.

Themes of the regional programmes would be based on some current issues, related to socio-economic and technological advancement, such as:

S.NoThemes of the Workshops / Seminars
1 Management of Water Resources in Rain-fed Areas: Challenges Ahead
2 Climatic Change and Sustainable Agricultural Development
3 Relationship between Climate Change and Food Security
4 Trends in Low Cost Housing in Rural Areas
5 Climate change, its impact on Development and Equity in Developing Countries
6 Action Plan to achieve Food Security through Sustainable Agriculture
7 Role of Agricultural Statistics in Food Security
8 Poverty Alleviation: Policies and Programmes
9 Potential for Poverty Reduction through Investment in Agricultural Water Management
10 Agri-business and Value Chain Management
11 Promotion of Agro and Food Enterprises for Sustainable Livelihood in Rural Areas
12 Rural Development: Challenges and Opportunities in 21st Century
13 Development of Rural Infrastructure with Private Sector Participation
14 Human Resource Development: Policies and Strategies
15 Micro-Finance and Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises
16 South-South Cooperation: Transfer of Technology and Institutional Building
17 Sustainable Livelihoods and Empowerment of Rural Women
18 Applications of ITC in Agriculture
19 Management of Natural Resources for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
20 Good Governance Experience of Afriquen-Asian Countries
21 Fisheries Resources Management
22 Promotion and Management of Non-Conventional Sources of Energy in Rural Areas
23 Promotion of Bio-diversity for Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development
24 Natural Calamities and Disaster Management
25 Indigenous Knowledge/Practices for Conserving Natural Resources
26 Institutional Reforms and Capacity Building Approaches and Strategies for Rural Development
27 Local Governance and People Participation
28 Malaysia’s Experience on Rural Economic Transformation through Rural Industrialization, Development of M&E, Village Tourism, Home Stay, etc.
29 E-Learning in Agricultural and Rural Development
30 Climate Change and Agricultural Insurance
31 Cooperatives and Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs)
32 Gender Mainstreaming
33 Organic Food Production and Certification
34 Cooperatives as a Vehicle for Sustainable Developmentand Inclusive Growth
35 Other Relevant Themes.